Monday, October 10, 2005

Gun Nuts

I'm going to briefly touch on a topic that is very dear to me...Gun Control. Now, I do not have issues with people legally hunting game with rifles and shot guns. Nor, do I have any problems with reasonable people who can pass an extensive background check owning firearms. My problem is with guns that have no practical purpose other than to kill other humans.

I know what you are thinking..."Guns don't kill people, people kill people." And to that I say "horseshit." When was the last time you heard of a drive-by stabbing, or of two disgruntled teenagers walking into a high school and killing 13 people with a hunting knife? Guns make it easier to kill people.

I find it hard to believe that the 2nd amendment was meant to be all encompassing. Considering that when the Constitution was written, our founding fathers thought muzzle loaders were pretty high tech. They could not have foreseen the advent of the Uzi, the AK-47, the 50mm rifle, 14 round semi auto handguns, the Desert Eagle, the fully automatic anything, or even the Tommy Gun. If they had known how deadly and potent guns would become, I think they would've put more thought into how it was worded. These men were brilliant, they were able to create a document so great that our country is still using it today. Do you really expect me to believe that these same men felt that any gun of any type should be allowed in anyone's possession at anytime? Oh, for crying out loud, get over it already.

People like guns because they make them feel powerful. Well, you know what, I think guns make you a wuss that is making up for other shortcomings.

Why can't we do like Britain and other developed nations? We can create gun laws that state if you are caught with an illegal weapon, or possess a gun during the commission of a crime, that you are gone to the big house for many, many years. Where will we find the room in the prisons? you ask. Make petty drug possession a cause for rehab, not prison. Those people need help, not a 6x9 cell.

I guess that's it for now. I just needed to get that off of my chest. Oh, and one more thing...Can I be the one to pry the gun from Charlton Heston's "cold dead hands"?

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