Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I have a confession to make...

I don't know how to say this other than to just come out and say it. So, here goes...


I'm a closeted Hillary fan. There, I said it. Yes, you heard me right, I want Hillary to be President of the United States of America. Every time I think of the possibility of a woman in the Oval Office, I get a lump in my throat. I'm not saying that she's the best woman for the job, but she's the most viable woman we've ever had enter the race, and dammit, I want her to win. I don't plan to work for her in the primaries, because I'm a huge John Edwards fan, but I can't help but want her to win. For all women everywhere, for me, for future generations, for all the feminists that fought for equality (and still are). I want to prove that this is not a man's world after all, and that a woman can be the leader of the free world. I think she'd do a great job, especially relative to anything the knuckle-draggers can pull out of their wing-nut asses. Is she the most in-line with my beliefs? No, but dammit, for purely selfish reasons, I want a woman to win, and this appears to be our chance. I just want to hear the phrase "Madam President" as she enters a room.

As a side note, if she were to win, would protocol dictate that she and the Big Dawg be called "The Presidents Clinton"?

As for my post the other day about people on the left who immediately started saying why they wouldn't vote for her in the general election, that was before I came to this realization that I want her to win. I had an epiphany of sorts since then. I still maintain that anyone who doesn't vote for whoever the candidate ultimately is, is in essence voting for the Republican. My feelings on that matter will never change. My reasoning behind this is simple, see: Nader, Ralph. I will vote for whomever the Democrats put on the ticket...even if it's "The Last Honest Man". (Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go throw up, the thought of voting for Lieberman is more than my upchuck reflex can handle.)

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