Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I can't write on demand...

I've determined that the main reason I am incapable of keeping this blog up to date is that I can't write on demand. I have to have a reason to blog and a post forming in my head before I can even manage to get a few words typed. I've tried and tried to do daily updates, but I just can't manage it. I always manage to start a post, but since I haven't really been inspired by its contents, I cannot finish it.

I've got tons of drafts saved, but they aren't complete. Nor will they ever be. So, I've decided to just write whenever my creative juices flow, and not try to force it. This works very well, considering most of my posts are "rants" and they seem to do better as a 'stream of consciousness' type thing. So, when ever I manage to be inspired to write, I will. Otherwise, it may be weeks or even months between posts.

I guess I just can't force creativity.

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