Saturday, August 26, 2006

On Work, Stress, and Writing

So, it’s been something like 6 months since I’ve posted on here. I’ve not had much time to do anything other than eat, sleep, and work.

Of course, it doesn’t help that I’m in some kind of funk, could even be called mild depression.

You see, in March my husband had to accept a job out of state for economic reasons. (It was either take the job, or dive head first into financial ruin)  The job was expected to last until late June or early July. Needless to say, the job is still going, and looks like it will for at least another month or two.  I’ve only seen him for a couple of days every 4-6 weeks since he’s been gone. The whole time, the question of whether or not we would be relocating has been hanging over our heads.  The damned question has still not been answered.

To pile things on even further, I’ve been swamped at work with no relief in sight.  There are other stress factors involved in that, including, but not limited to, the fact that I’ve determined through market research that I am approximately 50% underpaid for what I do. I love my job though, and love most of the people I work with, with about 3 exceptions.  I’m also learning that a boob-job can get you paid more and advance you further than good old-fashioned brains. I have to wonder how large of implants I’d have to get in order to get the raise I deserve.  Of course, none of this matters if we have to relocate. If we don’t have to relocate, then I may have some leverage to get the money I deserve. I’ve found out over the last few weeks that I have a couple of very strong advocates for my gripes.

I hope you can understand why I’ve not been updating this like I should.  I’ve got several long posts started that I have yet to finish. And I’ve got a ‘manifesto’ that deals with my beliefs that is in progress, and I’m quite proud of what is done so far.

Please bear with me, I hope to get up-to-date in the next week or so.



Anonymous said...

Don't get the "boob Job", get falsies. By your analogy, 50% bigger should do. I am discovering that there are a hell of a lot of people having trouble with there income. But really, what else would one expect with a government full of capitalist elite jackasses? Its all their money anyway, we are just hard pressed to get it to them fast enough.

Squirrel said...

You hit the nail on the boss, who determines my salary, is a sexist neocon. The more money he gives me, the less his bonus is. And as we all know, the neocons are "all me, all the time."

So long as he gets to play his golf with other CFO's, then why should he care that he's not paying me a fair wage.

Anonymous said...

Be as smart as you can be. Never stop looking for the better job. Just make sure you have it before you are too old and vulnerable. They will even kill you if they can figure a way to get away with it. So humiliating you "just goes without saying".

What a country.