Monday, February 20, 2006

Bush Not Leaving Office in 2009?

If we allow the current defense of the illegal wiretaps to stand, who is to say that the preznit won't decide he has other inherent powers vested in him by Article II of the Constitution?
Let's play a little imagination game...
It's October 18, 2008, the Democratic Presidential Candidate (whoever it may be) is leading the Republican Candidate by about 30 points in the latest Zogby poll. The Neocons are freaking out because they are about to be permanently removed from power. Bushie and Turd Blossom decide that they can't allow the destruction of America to stop, so they elevate the terror alert level to 'Mushroom Cloud-Communist Red'. They talk of an orchestrated attack on polling places in various parts of the country.  So in the name of protecting America, they decide to postpone the election until the plan can be shut down.  November 4 rolls around with no elections and no terror attacks. Bush has saved the day!!!
On Fox News that night, he says the following:
"It is my duty as the President to protect the American people at ALL costs.  Today, we thwarted a major terrorist attack that would have killed or injured MILLIONS of Americans. British intelligence has learned that the method of attack can be easily modified to fit with any election day setup.  In light of this development, it will be in the best interest of the American people if we continue to postpone the presidential election until we are able to find and punish those responsible for this plan. To have the elections at this point in time would give aid and comfort to the enemy. I have ordered all elections to cease until further notice by this administration. Thank you, and God Bless Amurika."
Immediately, the left blogosphere erupts. This is not a pretty sight. When people like Kos, Atrios, Aravosis, Greenwald, and Digby get fired up, you better watch out.  (At the same time, AssRocket, Malkin, and their type are breaking open the Franzia) Since this is 2008 and not 2006, people no longer go to the MSM for their news. They have learned that the MSM is hopelessly skewed to the right and no longer trust a word anybody other than Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart say. After the bloggers get fired up, the American People become enraged at this horrid display of fear-mongering by the administration.  They stand up and demand elections.
After the initial frenzy, the now Democrat-led House begins impeachment proceedings (finally).  Bush immediately signs executive order No. 6660666 stating 'the President, in time of war with a noun, may simply discard the opinions and convictions of the United States Congress as he sees fit." Alberto Gonzalez confers.
On December 2, 2008 after massive worldwide protests, the Administration agrees to hold an election, but with mail balloting only.  So, the ballots go out. When I receive mine, I notice immediately the return address is the home office of the RNC. Fortunately, I am not the only one who realizes this. Hunter also realizes this and finally blows a vein. He then sets into motion what will become known as the "Hunter Revolt".  After screaming and yelling at anyone and everyone he can get close to, the Administration finally says "Aw, to hell with it, you can have your damned elections” (just to shut him up).  And so we do.  Everything goes smoothly (since Diebold was decertified in every state except Utah).
When the votes are counted, there is a steal-proof majority in 49 states giving the election to the Democrat.  Ann Coulter jumps off Library Tower, and Bill O'Reilly drowns himself in San Francisco Bay.
January 20, 2009 rolls around.  Then the Shit really really hits the fan.  On what should be the most joyous day in the USA since Coca-Cola was first bottled, all hell breaks loose.  Bomb threats are called in on every major building in DC. One 911 operator said the voice sounded very Texan and oddly familiar.  Immediately, King George decides that it is too risky to hand national security over to the pansy flip-floppy liberals and calls off the inauguration.

He immediately jumps on Fox again saying “If I step aside and allow a peaceful changing of President, the terrorists will have won. This is what they want, you see. If I am not in power, they will be able to bring the fight here instead of over there. I have decided as Commander in Chief that I will not rest until these evil-doers are brought to justice once and for all.  I cannot fight the terrorists if I am not the King. Oops, I mean President. Thank you, and God Bless Amurika.”

The riots continue for weeks, then weeks turn into months, and months into years, all to no avail.  Bush has declared himself permanent ruler.  He will only leave office upon his death. The order of Presidential Succession includes Jeb, Neil, Barbie, and Jenna.

Our economy collapses, the country is bankrupt. The number of people in poverty reaches 75%. We have lost all allies, and are being threatened with invasion by Canada. All hope is lost.

But hey, on the bright side, at least we no longer have to listen to Coulter and O’Reilly.

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