Saturday, October 04, 2008

A Big Fat Karma Sandwich

13 years ago, today, I, along with most of America, wondered how in the hell that damn jury in LA voted 'not guilty'. We realized how inept Marcia Clark really was. And that if you have $10mil to drop on a "Dream Team" of legal-eagles, that you could basically buy your freedom. "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!" (Johnny Cochran, RIP)

Not that it affects me in any way, but finally, he got what he deserved. I have some mixed feelings, though...the Browns and Goldmans finally get to see him behind bars (possibly for the rest of his life), but not for the death of their children. They will never see another dime of the money they won in the Wrongful Death suit. But his life as he knows it is over, and I hope that gives them some sense of karmic justice after all these years. On a completely different note...damn, that man was a hell of a running back.

Remember the old joke? "I'm changing my breakfast drink...'cause O.J. will kill ya."

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