Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Good Riddance

I have been told my entire life that one is not to speak badly of the dead, as they can no longer defend themselves. I have determined in the course of the last several hours that piece of wisdom is a crock of shit. I will not apologize for what I am about to say, nor will I sugar coat it for fear of someone getting the vapors. If you can't handle brutal honesty, stop reading right here.

Jerry Falwell died today, and I feel the world is a better place because of it. The man was a horrible specimen of the human race, and we are a better people now that he is gone. The man made his life about hate. Nothing more. Just hate. Hate for women, Jews, homosexuals, blacks, and generally everyone that didn't fit his narrow, misguided ideal of "White Anglo-Saxon Protestants". Evangelical Protestants to be exact.

The man was a pimple on humanity's ass. He preyed upon the ignorant and uninformed. He was a sexist, racist, bigoted Bastard. He used lies and smears to further his political goals...all in the name of God.

Some may say that I am being crude, callous, or even evil, but guess what...That's what he was in life, and therefore is what he deserves in death. He spent his entire existence demonizing others. The man does not even deserve a mere "rest in peace". He hurt too many people in too many ways to ever receive one iota of remorse from me. He was a monster. The only condolences I feel I can express is that I'm sorry Earth was 'graced' with his presence for so long. I guess only the good die young.

So, good riddance, Mr. Moral Majority. You darkened this world for too long. May you rot in Hell.

*For once in my life, I truly hope that there is an afterlife. Because if there is, then Falwell has just had a very rude awakening.
**I know speaking of him in this tone and with this invective may lower me to his level. But, there is no other way to honestly eulogize the man. My other option was to simply say nothing at all, but those of you who know me, know that was never really an option.

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