Thursday, September 22, 2005

Welcome to my Blog!!!

After 2 years of procrastination, I finally got DSL, and now have the time to put my thoughts out there for the world.

I intend for this blog to by my way of ranting and raving about current events and politics. I'm sure I'll steer off course occasionally, but don't we all? I don't know how often I'll update my postings. I'll try for every few days, but can't promise anything at this point. Of course, some current events will cause my blood pressure to rise to the point that I may update several times a day. I get riled pretty easily (hence the name "Rabid Squirrel"). Given that I am only 25, I probably shouldn't get as worked up about politics. However, I often feel that this country and world is sinking and there is nothing I can do about it. Hopefully, this blog will allow me to dispell some of those feelings. I know that my views are not shared by everyone, and I LOVE a good debate. The only thing that I ask is that we all stick to the proven facts. This means if your facts are questioned, be ready to provide documentation. I do NOT consider facts to be anything that ANY pundit, whether Liberal or Conservative, says to be true. Usually if someone has to say "and that's a fact" isn't. If anyone on talk radio, other blogs, discussion panels, political news broadcasts, or politicians themselves state something as fact, and you use them as your source, I ask that you provide at least one independent source (preferably 2) to back them up. There is too much spin in today's media for much to be taken as face value.

Anywho, read...enjoy (or not, depending on your political views), and y'all come back now...ya hear?!?!

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts." Sen. Patrick Moynihan

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